Optimising life model

Optimising life can be represented as an optimisation function over your time spend on all areas of your life. Finding the optimal amount of hours to spend on each part of your life to achieve the optimum can be expressed as mathematical equation:

$$(t_g, t_h, t_w, t_l) = \underset{{ {t_g, t_h, t_w, t_l \in [0,24]\ |\ t_g + t_h + t_w + t_l = 24} }}{argmax} g(t_g) * h(t_h) * w(t_w) * l(t_l)$$

where $g$, $h$, $w$, $l$ are functions contributing to the greatness payoff. $g(t)$ is the direct payoff you get from investing time, particularly in a particular area of your life.

The value of greateness is defined by function $g$ linear to time spend in a state of growth:

$$g(t) = t * r(t)$$


To maximise the state of growth, you must constantly calibrate your skills and challenges to match the optimal ratio—flow state.

Health $h$, wealth $w$, and love $l$ are defined as logistic functions as spending more than relieve point doesn’t bring any benefit to greateness:

$h(t) = w(t) = l(t) = \frac{1}{1+e^{-t}}$

We have to define our relieve points to calculate concrete values. Relieve points are values at which you stop thinking about a particular need. This value is subjective, and everyone has different values. The lower the better.