How to Live: 27 conflicting answers and one weird conclusion
My notes
At first, I thought that the book is about extremes, and the author's intention is to convince readers that no "way of life" is superior to another.
There were some "ways to live" that entirely resonated with me. Others don't. So I thought that maybe the book will help me find my way of life from all possible and stick with it. As if everyone should choose one set of clothes and wear them for the rest of their life.
But it was the conclusion that has enlightened me. We don't have to choose one set of clothes and wear it for the rest of our life, we can change clothes during our journey. You may love wearing jeans, but when you are about to swim you should change, otherwise you won't appreciate the experience of swimming. The same in life, there are moments in your life when you should change the comfortable "independence" to (possibly uncomfortable) "dependence" in order to fully appreciate some moments in your life. Moreover, you can combine multiple "ways to live" together; you can be both "dependent" and "loving"; other times "independent" and "pursuing wealth." You are the composer; you can decide when each of the "ways to live" plays.
This book is like freedom, both inspiring and overwhelming. Answering the question "ok, so what should I do now?" hasn't become any easier.
Derek did a great job gathering convincing arguments on each of these 27 "ways to live". It required open-mindedness, curiosity, self-doubt, and of course life experience.